Crisis Safety Training for Social Services, Church and Business
Module #1 911APE – Awareness Prevention Education
Lead Instructor Sgt Don Gulla
Course Content (4 Hours)
Sessions will consist of training in situational employee awareness and how it relates to their
work environment. Students will be educated on how awareness is a direct component of prevention,
and how prevention can be increased through improved customer service techniques. They will discuss their roles and responsibilities and how they relate to established employer policies.
Class is designed to keep employees physically and mentally healthy by educating them on what to expect before, during and after a Violent or possible Violent Encounter and how their experience relates to Critical Incident Stress. Course is designed around awareness and prevention to prevent physical force.
Learning Objectives
- Identify how we communicate verbally using content, voice and non- verbal
- Identify and demonstrate techniques to handle angry people
- Identify and demonstrate how to acknowledge and deflect verbal abuse
- Develop the ability to recognize threats early by using Awareness Radar™
- Identify Emergency Communications, how to prioritize information and knowing your location
- Identify Vehicle Description and Physical description
- Student will learn how to practice the “What-if Game” to them mentally prepare themselves
- Identify Levels of Options available to students.
Module #2 – Social Interaction Tactics
Lead Instructor Sgt Jim Detrick
Course Content (4 Hours)
Designed to teach students the skills that can get them prepared for a successful encounter, able
to conduct a successful encounter, and able to build traction for future successful encounters
within any cultural context.
The competencies cover a wide range of abilities including: Emotional intelligence, Mental rehearsal, Body language reading, De-escalation tactics. Class will include Role-Play by students to practice critical competencies.
Competencies include:
- Pre-Planning
- Observe/Assess
- Contact
- Engage
- Self-Control
- Adapt
- Disengagement
Module #3 – Grace Under Fire -De-escalating Potentially Aggressive Individuals
Lead Instructor – Ellis Amdur M.A., N.C.C., C.M.H.S
Course Content (4 hours)
- The Texture of Relationship – A Study of Interpersonal Space
- The Art of Circular Breathing: The Development of Mindful Awareness Amidst Chaos
- The Negative Stances
- The Cycle of Aggression & The Guiding Principals in Dealing with the Cycle of Aggression
- Tone and Quality of Voice
- Tactical Paraphrasing – The Gold Standard
- Forewarned is Fore-armed: Becoming Aware of Grooming Behavior
- Control of Hot Rage, Fury and Bluffing Rage
Module #4 – 911APE – Escape, Evasion and Self Protection Tactics
Lead Instructor Sgt Don Gulla
Course is designed for employees who work in potentially dangerous environments, a Physical Self Protection Block stresses escape and evasion tactics, but also prepares them to defend themselves against a Physical Attack.
Course Content (4 Hours)
- Interview Stance and Seated Safety Measures
- Evasion and Escape Tactics
- Wrap Defense Position
- Ground Defense
- Small Joint Manipulation
- Using common employee tools for defense and protection
- Hair Hold Escape
- Choke Escape