911 A.P.E. – Real World Employee Safety Training
Active Shooter Survival
Teaching Employees to Survive
Before, During and After a Violent Encounter Occurs
Awareness, Tactical Communication and Physical Self Protection Training
Overall Course Description
Sessions will consist of training in situational employee awareness and how it relates to their work environment. Students will be educated on how awareness is a direct component of prevention , and how prevention can be increased through improved customer service techniques. They will discuss their roles and responsibilities and how they relate to established employer policies. Class is designed to keep employees physically and mentally healthy by educating them on what to expect before, during and after a Violent or possible Violent Encounter and how their experience relates to Critical Incident Stress. Course is designed around awareness and prevention to prevent physical force. Response to Active Shooter Training can include Mock Scenarios. For high risk employees who work in potentially dangerous environments, a Physical Self Protection Block stresses escape and evasion tactics, but also prepares them to defend themselves against a Physical Attack.
2 hours – Classroom
Tactical Communications – Learning Objectives
- Identify how we communicate verbally using content, voice and non-verbal
- Identify and demonstrate techniques to handle angry people
- Identify and demonstrate how to acknowledge and deflect verbal abusive
1.5 hours – Classroom
Awareness Radar™ – Learning Objectives
- Develop the ability to recognize threats early by using Awareness Radar™.
- Identify Emergency Communications, how to prioritize information and knowing your location.
- Identify Vehicle Description and Physical description
- Student will learn how to practice the “What-if Game” to them mentally prepare themselves.
- Identify Levels of Options available to students.
- Identify what happens to the Human Body under stress and explain Fight or Flight
- Students will learn to identify Pre-Attack Indicators and Postures.
- Active Shooter Survival Tactics
3.5 hours – Gym
Physical Self Protection Training – Learning Objectives
- Student will learn to survive physically difficult situations
- This session requires physical activity for participation
- Experienced State Certified Officers will assist
- The training will include the following and more:
- Interview Stance
- Evasion and Escape Tactics
- Clinch and Tie-up
- Wrap Defense Position
- Ground Defense
- Small Joint Manipulation
- Basic Strikes
- Choke Escapes
- Using common employee tools for defense and protection

Dept of Social Health Services., U.S. Navy, U.S. Military Police, U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, King County Health Dept, Microsoft, Key bank, Home Depot, Argus Security, Sea Tac Mall Security, Nordstroms, Federal Protective Services, St Michelle Winery, Clearwater Casino, RiteAid Drugs, The Bon, Sears, Everett Community College and Seattle Pacific University.