(206) 396-7040 Don.Gulla@Arrestling.com

Advanced Weapon Retention Instructor Course 

Restricted to Law Enforcement Only – Others with approval


This is by far one of the most comprehensive Weapon Retention Instructor Courses offered worldwide.

Most Law Enforcement DT Systems still teach the old ” Trap-Step-Blast”. Problem is it doesn’t work in a real street situation! We use the Street to Gym vs Gym to Street. Outcome based learning means, what do you want the outcome of your training to accomplish. Training against someone in the gym without resistance using tactics you think will work, has cost officers their lives!

This is a intensive 2 day course that will cover weapon retention and gun disarming and the most unique gun retention technique in the world, G – W.R.A.P.S. The G-W.R.A.P.S.  is so effective is has been adopted by Rener Gracie’s GST System. Can you maintain control of your duty weapon with the suspect behind grabbing onto your gun, you will after this course ! This course teaches you how to maintain control of your firearm in your holster, in your hand, on the ground and from the most difficult positions.

This course with use concepts and principles to protect your firearm, whether it’s holstered or in your hand (or worst case in the suspect’s hand) You practice against someone who is really trying to take your gun. You’ll learn how to shoot in grappling range and keep the suspect from grabbing you gun. The braced contact position allows you to shoot, throw elbows, cycle the weapon and shoot again even if the suspect has both hands on your gun. These technique have been tested both in training and proven on the street in life and death situations. Student will use NLT SIRT Training Pistol and RBT Blank Training Rounds.

Course length: Two 8-hour days for Total 16 hours of Training
Cost: $500 per student – Includes Glock T-17, SIRT Pistol, UTM/Simms Training Rounds.

Instructors: Sgt (ret) Don Gulla and Arrestling Instructor(s)

Email Sgt Don Gulla or call 206-396-7040.


Course includes Arrestling Advanced Weapon Retention Vol II. Instructor Training Manual